outwit|outwits|outwitted|outwitting in English


gain an advantage through cleverness, outsmart

Use "outwit|outwits|outwitted|outwitting" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "outwit|outwits|outwitted|outwitting" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "outwit|outwits|outwitted|outwitting", or refer to the context using the word "outwit|outwits|outwitted|outwitting" in the English Dictionary.

1. To outdo or outwit; defeat.

2. Outwit the platinum bastard.

3. In the story, the cunning fox outwits the hunters.

4. 14 To outdo or outwit; defeat.

5. He was outwitted by his wily opponent.

6. The former heavyweight champion was outwitted and outfought.

7. Don't try to outwit or outguess the interviewer.

8. I did not look to see you so easily outwitted.

9. Therefore, outwit more inclined to short - term speculation.

10. This was a crafty manoeuvre to outwit his pursuers.

11. Fox will also assist one in learning to outwit the dark.

12. Somehow he always manages to outwit his opponents.

13. 12 This was a crafty manoeuvre to outwit his pursuers.

14. Beach, who had never abandoned his idea, outwitted the boisterous Boss.

15. Synonyms for Befooling include cheating, conning, fooling, misleading, tricking, beguiling, deluding, duping, hoaxing and outwitting

16. Speeders can outwit police radar with a variety of devices.

17. He was a lawyer, he ought to be able to outwit the law.

18. This calls for imaginative solutions to outwit the crafty Chickweed

19. Always before he had been able to outwit his pursuers.

20. If the FBI thought they could outwit him, they were in for a shock.

21. No less useful were certain dexterous thrusts learned at the wrestling-schools, and quickness in outwitting an antagonist.”

22. + 20 Moreover, Jacob outwitted Laʹban the A·ra·maeʹan, for he had not told him that he was running away.

23. Like humans, ants can try to outwit foes with cheats and lies.

24. But you see , the trick of playing a sport well is trying to outwit you opponent.

25. 49 synonyms for Circumvent: evade, bypass, elude, steer clear of, sidestep, outwit, trick, mislead